(I'll make a note, i like CoD series, they have extremely dynamic multiplayer and CoD MW 1/2, CoD BO 1/2 even 3 have a good singleplayer) Optimization: this bullshui.game lagging while cutscenes, and crashed several times. Absolutely terrible game design, level design and plot and not bad multiplayer. I just passed the game and what can I say about this 'piece of cra.art'.

If you're on and off the fence about the purchase, maybe wait a while and hopefully get all these bugs ironed out first because I highly doubt you want to spend the first 3-4 hours trying to get past the crashes and bugs before you can even play like we did. For now, this score is what it deserves and hopefully in the near future it can turn itself around.

I want to like this game, but I am disappointing with it in its current state. Hopefully fixes are a priority and not rushing to push the micro transactions in our face. Given some time and a lot of patches, I bet this can all be sorted out. Aside from that the game is pretty good so far, honestly my friend and I are just a bit jaded at what a sloppy first impression all of that was.
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I checked all my settings both in game and in windows and could not get it to work right, so I was forced to just turn it off altogether. Also, the VoIP is messed up for me, my game audio comes through my headphones, however it makes the VC come through my monitor. Heads up if you have epilepsy, there's a bug in the game that upon taking damage the indicator and blood splatter on your screen has a good chance of rapidly flashing at you like a rave party on steroids. After that we eventually got the game running together, having a decent time for about 3 hours of actual game play with intermittent crashes (about 3 for each of us). Finally we get in, my game works alright, my buddy has to spend another hour getting past a "Direct X fatal error" which crashed his game immediately every time he tried to load in.
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Unless of course your on PS4 for some reason, just like how they got survival mode exclusive, oddly suspicious. So you'd think, just go play campaign while you wait for the swarm to die down, right? Not an option buck-o. First 1 hour and a half at launch was my friend and I hitting refresh on the now notorious "Cannot connect to online services".